It's because I read "A Moveable Feast" by Ernest Hemingway.
Even for a partially non-fiction book, it was pretty great.
Anytime I can hear/read more stories about Ezra Pound I'm happy.
But I learned some things about writing from the book that are really useful.
1) Always stop when there's still something left in the well. That way it fills up in between the times when you sit down to write. It also gives you a starting point, and everyone knows the hardest part of writing is getting started.
2) It's ok to write about yourself. A lot of people say you shouldn't write about yourself because nobody ever finds you as interesting as you do, but Hemingway proves this is bullshit. Sometimes the best stuff comes from personal experience, and a character who you connect with will always have that little extra emotional push because you connect with them.
3) It's funny when you call people bitches. Hemingway was a total dick to most people and it's hilarious to read.
4) Write a lot. This is pretty obvious but it's something I wasn't doing. After upping the amount of time I set aside just for writing I've gotten so much done and so many great ideas.
This is what I've learned from Hemingway the past couple of days. What a guy.
Pretty nice beard too.

You should read The Sun Also Rises by Hemingway. So good. Hemingway is such a man's man. The shitty part is I think if he were our age right now he would probably listen to DMB.