Ok, I'm exaggerating.
But I totally thought I was going to die.
I'm just getting over a bought with food poisoning.
Which is pretty much the last thing I thought I would ever have to deal with, because of my vegetarianism and all-around picky eating, but I was stupid and wrong.
Tuesday night at about 5:30 I threw up for the first time in years.
And it was horrible.
The last couple times I've thrown up had been a complete non-issue because of how drunk I must have been.
But suddenly I was puking up chunks and black liquid that burned my nostrils.
After my stomach was emptied, the dry heaves came, and that was only slightly better.
This shit was pretty violent, because I would start gagging, then fall on the floor clutching a bucket and pouring sweat.
At about 1:00 a.m. I collapsed on the couch, since I couldn't make it up the stairs, and woke up the next morning feeling like I had pulled every muscle in my body.
All of yesterday was spent watching the Spiderman flicks and cautiously nibbling on anything I felt I could keep down.
Left out some details, because you don't want to know some things.
Today I'm feeling better, but still sickly.
Spending the day listening to Gregory and the Hawk and playing video games.
Probably Pokemon, since that's my go-to sick day game.